In his pioneering book, The Contemplative Lawyer, Len Riskin remarked that "law students and lawyers tend to be unhappy in their work." Over the years, various studies have added credence to Riskin’s observation that those in the legal profession tend to be disproportionately unhappy.
Whether it is the adversarial nature of our work or the various difficulties that the job entails, it is important for lawyers and aspiring legal practitioners to bear in mind the inherent risks associated with our chosen profession and how we can overcome them. In furtherance of this endeavor, the field of positive psychology can not only enable us to be better mediators, but potentially enhance our personal and emotional well-being.
The goal of this seminar - guided by Mark Kawakami - is to: 1) introduce the participants to some basics of positive psychology, 2) conduct various PPI (Positive Psychology Intervention) exercises; and 3) as a group, reflect upon how positive psychology and the science behind happiness can lead to a more effective conflict management.
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Earlier Event: September 8
How (Not) to Reduce Labor Exploitations in the Global Supply Chain
Later Event: October 4
2nd Annual Dialogue on Cross-Border Mediation