(From Left to Right): Joseph Kunz, Juri Wiedemann & Pierre Ferran, who took International Business Law with me back in 2019, stopped last week for another round of the Hague Visby Rule lecture.
One of the more humbling and delightful things about my job is when former students come back to visit Maastricht and they stop by to update me on all the exciting (and some not so exciting) things that they’ve been up to. I sometimes have bouts of imposter syndrome as a teacher and wonder whether I’m making any positive impact on the students and question if I’m doing a bad job (e.g. wearing a Pikachu t-shirt when I lecture). But these visits help me alleviate my doubts and reassure me that not everything I am doing is horrendous and despicable. I am so very happy and proud of my former students and I enjoy their tales of glorious struggles and wonderful successes vicariously.